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Cleaning Up After Last Winter’s Devastating Ice Storm In Toronto

April 4, 2014


Clean Up Fallen Trees1 - Toronto Ice Storm

Spring thaw clean up. Time to remove the fallen trees from the garden caused by last December’s destructive ice storm. Quite sad, to say the least.

The ice storm caused significant damage to the tree canopy across Toronto. Approximately 20 per cent of the city’s tree canopy has been lost.

It was a big job, one that would have cost me about $1500 If I hired a tree cutting service. The decision to undertake the task myself not only saved money but provided me with the personal satisfaction and pride in a job well done. Thank you to The Home Depot Tool Rental (Curity Ave.) for their reliable gas and electric chainsaws, instruction, safety tips and great customer service. Not to mention their complimentary safety glasses, removed for this photo op, lol.
Fallen Tree 2 - Toronto Ice Storm Fallen Tree 3 - Toronto Ice StormClean Up Fallen Trees2Home Depot - Curity Ave. Toronto

April 04, 2014
Photos by Mary Tokatlidis, Mom – (first 4 photos)
Home Depot (Curity Ave.) photo from Google.

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